Low in calories but high in other vital nutrients, jicama is well known for its ability to help control diabetes. Jicama provides a quarter of your daily fiber needs per serving. But not just any fiber - the fiber in jicama is infused with oligofructose inulin, which has zero calories and is not metabolized in the body.
Inulin, unlike any other carbohydrate, it is not metabolized into sugar once in the blood. This way you can satisfy a craving for something a little sweet, without affecting your blood sugar level.
Inulin also promotes bone health by improving the absorption of calcium from other foods, protecting against osteoporosis. Inulin has a probiotic role in the gut - it promotes the growth of "good" bacteria that maintain a healthy colon and balanced immunity as well.
Because jicama has a very low glycemic index, it is a great food for diabetics and low in calories for those interested in weight loss.
It's also an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C - 44% of the daily value per serving - and a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals to protect against cancer, inflammation, viral coughs, colds and infections.